10 Fun Facts About Canada

On 07/06/2024

Canada, the second-largest country in the world by land area, is renowned for its natural beauty, multicultural cities, and friendly people. But beyond its famous maple syrup and majestic landscapes, Canada is brimming with interesting and quirky facts that make it unique. 

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Historical sites to visit in Alberta

On 10/03/2023

Alberta is a province in Western Canada that is rich in history and culture. 

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The celebration and origins of mother's day

On 07/03/2023

The celebration of Mother's Day has a long and varied history, with different cultures and civilizations having their own versions of the holiday.


Rhea the mother of Greek Gods and Goddesses

On 05/03/2023

Rhea and Cybele were ancient goddesses worshiped by different civilizations in the Mediterranean region.