10 Fun Facts About Canada

On 07/06/2024

Canada, the second-largest country in the world by land area, is renowned for its natural beauty, multicultural cities, and friendly people. But beyond its famous maple syrup and majestic landscapes, Canada is brimming with interesting and quirky facts that make it unique. 

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Controversy in Deutschland: Protests Surge Against AfD's Migrant Deportation Proposal

On 20/01/2024

BERLIN - Enormous hordes of dissenters have dropped on urban communities in Germany, as exhibits requiring a restriction on the extreme right Option for Germany (AfD) pick up speed.
Several thousands have previously overcame freezing temperatures this week to challenge the party, after it arose senior AfD individuals examined an arrangement to expel travelers as once huge mob in disclosures that have been contrasted with the Nazi period.

Unwinding the Danger: Casting a ballot Machine Defacing and Political decision Extortion in Congo

On 20/12/2023

The Vote based Republic of the Congo (DRC) has confronted a steady battle for majority rule administration, with charges of political decision misrepresentation creating a shaded area over the constituent cycles. In an unsettling new development, cases of casting a ballot machine defacing have arisen as a basic issue, bringing up issues about the trustworthiness of decisions and the effect on the majority rule yearnings of the Congolese public.

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Pope Francis says priests can favor same-sex couples, under specific circumstances

On 18/12/2023

New report stresses gifts ought not be given at same time as a common association 

Pope Francis has officially endorsed permitting priests to favor same-sex couples, with another report making sense of an extreme change in Vatican strategy by demanding that individuals looking for God's affection and kindness ought not be dependent upon "a thorough moral examination" to get it.

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The best cities to raise a family in Canada

On 14/04/2023

Canada has many cities that offer great opportunities and a high quality of life for families. Here are some of the best cities to raise a family in Canada:

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How to open a canabis retail store in Canada

On 31/03/2023

Opening a cannabis pharmacy in Canada requires following specific regulations and obtaining various licenses and permits. Here are the general steps you will need to take:

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The history and the origins of bowling sport

On 24/03/2023

Bowling has a long and complex history, and the origins of the game are not entirely clear. However, some of the earliest forms of bowling can be traced back to ancient Egypt and Rome, where people played games involving rolling stones or balls towards a target.


How does Canadian immigration system work?

On 19/03/2023

The Canadian immigration system is a complex set of laws, regulations, policies, and programs designed to attract and admit immigrants to Canada for economic, social, and humanitarian reasons.

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Canadian cities with high rates of homelessness since 2008

On 08/03/2023

There are several cities in Canada that have experienced high rates of homelessness since 2008.


The history of John McCrae

On 08/03/2023

John McCrae was a Canadian physician, poet, and soldier who is best known for his iconic poem "In Flanders Fields." He was born on November 30, 1872, in Guelph, Ontario, Canada.

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8 keys to a successful job interview

On 03/03/2023

Preparing for a job interview can be stressful sometimes, that is why we have come up with some tips on how to have a successful job interview:

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The biography of Patrice Emery Lumumba

On 27/02/2023

Patrice Emery Lumumba was a Congolese politician who played a significant role in the country's struggle for independence from Belgium.