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Liitcare Connecting childcare providers with parents

Liitcare Connecting childcare providers with parents

A networking platform connecting childcare service providers and tutors with families needing their services. Search, book and pay....

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Historical sites to visit in Alberta

Alberta is a province in Western Canada that is rich in history and culture. 

On 10/03/2023

Canadian cities with high rates of homelessness since 2008

There are several cities in Canada that have experienced high rates of homelessness since 2008.

On 08/03/2023

5 tips on how to get a mortgage in Canada with low interest

To get a mortgage in Canada with low interest, you can follow these steps:

On 08/03/2023

Connection and seduction tips

I must clarify that seduction should always be consensual and respectful. There is no one "secret" to seduction that guarantees success.

On 08/03/2023

5 tips for first date

There are many great first date ideas depending on your interests and location.

On 08/03/2023

The history of John McCrae

John McCrae was a Canadian physician, poet, and soldier who is best known for his iconic poem "In Flanders Fields." He was born on November 30, 1872, in Guelph, Ontario, Canada.

On 08/03/2023

The celebration and origins of mother's day

The celebration of Mother's Day has a long and varied history, with different cultures and civilizations having their own versions of the holiday.

On 07/03/2023

Rhea the mother of Greek Gods and Goddesses

Rhea and Cybele were ancient goddesses worshiped by different civilizations in the Mediterranean region.

On 05/03/2023

8 keys to a successful job interview

Preparing for a job interview can be stressful sometimes, that is why we have come up with some tips on how to have a successful job interview:

On 03/03/2023

Canada's best places to visit during the winter

Canada offers a wide variety of destinations that are perfect for winter travel. Here are some of the best places to travel in winter time in Canada:

On 01/03/2023

10 tips for winter driving in Canada

Winter driving can be challenging due to factors like snow, ice, and reduced visibility.

On 01/03/2023

The biography of Patrice Emery Lumumba

Patrice Emery Lumumba was a Congolese politician who played a significant role in the country's struggle for independence from Belgium.

On 27/02/2023

7 Tips and tricks for long-distance relationship

Here are some tips for long-distance relationships:

On 25/02/2023

7 tips for successful online dating

Here are some online dating tips that can help you have a positive and successful experience: 

On 24/02/2023

7 ways to make money online

There are many ways to make money online. Some of which include:

On 24/02/2023

Humanhair cosmetics 1

Ugonwa's - African and Caribbean foods and markets

Ugonwa's is an online retail African-Caribbean Foods and Market where food, drinks, fashion, Arts and Craft are sold to both the Afro-caribbean community and the mainstream markets